Monday, September 24, 2018

Book Review: The Sea Forager's Guide to the Northern California Coast

"You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring!" - Monty Python

Ok, so I don't typically do woodworking with a herring, but don't let that make you think that I do not value the little fish! And so we come to today's topic... Kirk Lombard's new book. If you are not yet aware of Lombard's blog The Monkeyface News (, it is a fantastic blend of eccentric musician and eccentric sustainable fisher... oh man, is that how they describe me too? Eccentric sustainable fisher? Hey! I do play the drums you know? Oh, by the way "you know who likes to jam with musicians? ...Drummers!" 

Ok, well, Lombard's new book is the dag nam bees knees! I grew up foraging, fishing, and freedive spearfishing the north coast of California since the day I could stand on my own two feet (no joke I have been digging clams since before I could talk), and this book was learnin' me real good! I was exposed to all kinds of new sea lore and seafood seasonal acquisition tips!

Check out my review of the book at the North Coast Journal ( and definitely pick up a copy! Kev, the countryman forager, gives it two thumbs up!

Keep the old ways alive!

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